Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sick :(

I just would like to take a moment to complain that I am sick of getting sick. You can't really go anywhere or eat anything. All I can say is hostile microbes of my GI tract beware. Your days are numbered. (I hope.)

In other news, clinic Friday was quite busy. The exciting thing for me is that there was a chart with a post-it note on it that said "Rebecca," which indicates that this patient actually wanted to come back and see me in particular again :)


Erin M said...

I've been sick all week with a cold. I feel your pain. I can't believe you're over half done with your trip!

Bonnie said...

Aw, I hope you feel better... It really is a shame about the food, as there are probably many interesting things to try!

Gary Ohama said...

Hola Rebecca,
I hope you are doing better stomach-wise. My sympathy goes out to you. A calm stomach will certainly be part of a blessed state when you return home. I can recall having my butt hurting from slamming shut so much.
The photos of the hospital are enlightening to see. The volcano with the plume of smoke is something unusual to witness. Neat photo.
I guess you are learning alot about different cultures and peoples. I heard about an Aikido guy daily doing 2nd control to stimulate the nerves of a person (I believe his brother) in a coma and given up on. The brother eventually came out of it. I thinking 4th control would do the same. What do you think would happen to the "fainted" lady?
I recall a "cultural dog story" that may be of interest. A Jamaican guy I worked with told me that in Jamaica they never feed dogs or take them to vets, allow them in the house like we do, or give them so much attention and love. This was as I was feeding my dog Susie some take-out fried rice that I got her because she was sick and holding out for fried rice. (By the way,Taco holds out for chicken and steak for treats if he knows there is some in the fridge now. I think he thinks is is getting old and deserves it or feels entitled. I always get weird dogs.) Anyways he said that "Americans treat their animals better than they do "some types of people" and this is why there is so much resentment against "Americans." Although it didn't stop me from buying Susie more fried rice until she got better; it did make me realize that we never know how our "normal reactions/behaviors and compassion" can be so differently interpreted by others, especially in a cross-cultural situation. Sort of like the people who belch to let you know the food is really wonderful. I just realized I'm on a blog and not e-mailing, which I'm doing next. Oh well.
Love ya,