Our second day in Coban we went to Semuc Champey which is about 2 or so hours away: first a shuttle then the back of a pickup truck. I sat on top of the cab with the luggage and Jess squeezed in the back with about 15 other people. Semuc Champey itself is a series of stepped limestone pools. It is a bit difficult to describe so I've included a picture. We climbed up to a lookout point and then explored the pools and waterfalls for a few hours.

Our travels from Coban to Lago Atitlan were, not to mince words, awful. The van was driven by a guy who must have had a death wish -- even compared to the other crazy drivers that I had ridden with in Guatemala. We stopped in Antigua and were supposed to change shuttles but the person we bought or tickets from had actually not arranged anything for us. This was a large problem because we had to get to Lago Atitlan before dark in order to get a boat to our hotel. The death-wish-first-driver took us to a bunch of different travel agencies to try to find something but got more and more angry at us for taking his time. He wasn't the one who sold us the tickets in the first place and felt no sense of personal responsibility. Anyway, it all came to an ugly climax when he started berating me in Spanish about how I was just like all the Americans who come down and treat Guatemalans horribly. I tried apologizing, offering him a sandwich (he blamed us for his not eating lunch), telling him why I was in Guatemala in the first place ... Nothing worked. He was MAD MAD MAD. So, we got out of the van -- without getting the right amount of money back. It was traumatic. But, as it turned out, we took a chicken bus and arrived in time to get a boat to our hotel. Jess particularly enjoyed the chicken bus, although she was slightly injured by a package that fell on her head from the wrack above. Here she is with a small model bus she got later on in the market as a reminder:

Jess and I were on different flights out of Guatemala City and hers ended up being delayed by about 8 hours :( Anyway, I made it home on time that evening, Jess made it home that night at 11:30 and my luggage arrived the next evening.
The first few days I have to admit that I didn't want to leave the house. Or, really get out of bed at all. It is quite wonderful to be home. I've been eating salad, drinking water straight from the tap, going on errands with Chris, catching up with friends, and of course spending quality time with Mojo and Q (cats) and Stella (dog). I just saw that there is a possible medical school rotation in Sri Lanka, but I think I'm going to pass for now :)